Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Wrong Approach

I read this a while back and it really struck a chord with me. I know a few atheist and agnostics, and have a few friends in both camps. While there was a time when I was not sure about the spiritual realm, I am astonished by the pride and hostility this writer expressed towards  any potential God that may be out there and that calls his creation to follow his rules.

That said, here it is :

"I'm sorry. But I refuse to feel guilty for enjoying things such as sex, or seeing sex on a screen for visual stimulation. Immorality? Are you kidding me? What's moral about making others feel guilty, NEH, TERRIFIED of something that is more natural than the very clothes on our backs? Sex is a natural thing. And, therefore, is natural to crave. In fact, never to crave it, especially for those on the side of the human race with more testosterone, probably have a hormone imbalance going on somewhere.

I'm not a religious person. At all. But that doesn't mean that I'm not a good person. I'm generally nice, and respectful towards my fellow human being. I try to help where it is needed. And I live a happy life with those I cherish.

I don't believe that there is a "God". But I don't really care if others do or not, provided that they don't try to push such things upon me. What I take offense to is what I stated in the first paragraph. Making others feel guilty for natural things.

If your "God" is all-seeing, and all-knowing, then he or she will fully understand why I do not believe. And on the off chance that I AM wrong, and there IS a "God", and they don't let me into "heaven" merely because I didn't dedicate every last of my waking moments to serving their will, or apologizing for any little I do that occurs within nature, yet is frowned upon in your little book, then he/she is probably a ****And that's not a being I'd want to spend eternity with."
 Considering that the whole previous post was quite a mouthful, I will take several entries to give my thoughts on it. I will base my response on these 3 points:

  1. Against our nature- What kind of world would we live in if we all did what made us happy. Even in a strictly secular philosophical sense, is it a valid belief system that claims just because something " feels natural" to us, we can do it.
  2. Are we good?- For an evangelical Christian I am as humanist as it gets. I believe God created us "good" and there-in lies our potential. However, everything around us contradicts the claim that we are a bunch of good people. Especially when we are measure against the standard I believe we were created to live by.
  3. With the ramifications at stake, and especially with the acknowledgement that there maybe a supreme spiritual being, do we really want to take the approach that if it doesn't meet our standard we will denounce it and write it off? Doesn't that seem kinda backwards. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to humbly approach the creator of the universe seeking to understand and execute its will for us?
So the next post will be my thoughts on acting against our nature. Hope somebody reads it!
Any thoughts let me know!

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